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Arguments against static typing

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Introduction #

The debate between static and dynamic typing has been going on for as long as they have existed, and while I think it’s actually very easy to settle, I did wanted to take out some time to address the most common ones.

Static typing #

The essence of statically typed languages is that they force you to think about certain problems—specifically, the shapes of data—and force you to be explicit about how you solve them.

For instance, a (proper) statically typed language will force you to think, and be explicit, about how you represent absence—is it null, {} , [], Unit, Option.empty(), or something else? Are any of those even ever permissible, and if so, which one(s)? What do they mean in the context of the problem I’m solving? You have no choice but to think about this, solve it in a way that’s consistent with the rest of the code base, and precisely and explicitly describe that solution alongside your code.

Crucially, statically typed languages are mean, and force you to think about this even when it might make no practical difference! For example, you might just be interested in the truthiness of the return value, so any (or some, depending on the language) of the above will do. Perhaps things are completely self-evidently correct no matter the choice, or you don’t want to decide right away and instead opt to keep your options open, or you specifically do want it to work for completely different data types. But even in those situations, you simply have no choice, and must define a specific, well-defined shape for each and every piece of data in a consistent manner, and adhere to that shape from then on.

Proponents of dynamically typed languages—“dynamic typers”—will balk at this, with a variation of the following arguments:

  • types constrain my solutions, and force me to solve problems in a certain way. Types take away my guns freedom!
  • types prolong the time it takes to deliver a solution
  • types are a waste of time, because in 99% of cases, I can write perfectly functioning code without them
  • proving my code is safe to the compiler is a waste of time, because in 99% of cases, my tests already do that
  • types make code cluttered and difficult to read

Proponents of static languages…pretty much agree completely!

Types constrain my solutions #


They force you to write code in a well-defined, well-researched manner that was specifically designed to prevent certain kinds of errors from happening, and to do so with mathematical certainty. It doesn’t matter if you’re tired, stupid, uninformed, malicious, make a mistake or forgot something. If it compiles, it provably doesn’t contain these mistakes, period.

But there’s more. Since it reduces the amount of different ways solutions can be coded, it actually makes things easier to understand—less variety reduces the cognitive load for the reader.

Taken further, since it forces all of us to think in similar ways, we tend to express ourselves in similar ways, which means what you write tends to be closer to what I would have written, further shortening the time it takes for me to understand it. This is pretty much the driving force behind things like Patterns in Enterprise Software—“let’s solve problems consistently”.

And there’s even more! Less variety = more patterns. A pattern is equivalent to saying that certain assumptions are guaranteed to be true. And when certain assumptions hold, features can be designed around them. This is why static languages have reliable IDE hinting, go-to-definition/show usages, refactorings, and so on. This is why banning GOTO opened the doors to try-with & exceptions, and the same principle also lies at the heart of structured concurrency.

Types prolong the time it takes to deliver a solution #

Right on!

In a sense, I probably burn more time thinking about types, and naming them, than I do on anything else, apart from research.

But while types prolong the time it takes to deliver a solution, they also dramatically shorten the time it takes to deliver a continuously working solution—one that works correctly now, and will continue to do so when assumptions change, when the project is 10x bigger, when none of the original authors work here anymore, etc.

Types expose and make explicit the coupling between distant parts of the codebase, and cause things to fail immediately if these parts are inconsistent. They also prevent you from collapsing code for different data types - if you want a function that operates on both strings and integers, you need to write two functions (or do some truly funky-JavaScript-like shit that will make reviewers go Liam Neeson on your ass).

Given that, it should come as no surprise to anyone that it takes more time to design things in a way so that they are consistent and separated. But that same extra time you spent will get reimbursed 100x by spending less time fixing bugs due to inconsistent assumptions in far-away places, especially as time goes on and things change. In this rare instance, tight coupling is actually a good thing.

Types also force you to spend time making sense of things, and give names to those things. Things that are named have meaning, and expressing a solution through something that has meaning makes the result more understandable to the people who maintain it (which includes future-you).

Above and beyond what I just wrote, I actually don’t think that types themselves take up any time whatsoever. What takes up time is the problems that they force you to think about. For example, when you’re modelling a business process, they force you to think hard about what is actually transforming into what and what the what’s should be called. That’s what takes long, but that’s a measure of both the complexity of the problem and the fact you don’t understand it fully yet, not of types being time-consuming. Actually writting the types themselves is a matter of seconds, and if the problem is trivial or you understand it well, i.e. “write a function that returns the first element of a List”, you spend no time on types at all.

I would go as far as to say that types actually decrease the amount of time it takes for me to deliver a working solution. Why? Because I’ve been using them for so long that they’ve shaped my way of thinking into immediatelly focusing on what goes in and what goes out. I’m so used to this, I do it automatically, and each time I’m doing it, I train my brain to be a little better at it.

As explained above, understanding what the what’s are, and naming them, unlocks a much deeper understanding of what’s going on. Often, it will even uncover blind spots that you hadn’t thought of up until then, and you might even realize you need to go back to your stakeholders and pick their brains some more. If you hadn’t done that, you would’ve instead started writting a bunch of code that would’ve ended up being wrong. If you were lucky, you would discover that at some point down the road before going live, but even then, potentially a lot of that effort would go down the drain.

Types allowed you to save all that time by finding out in advance, before you wrote a single line of code.

Types are a waste of time, because in 99% of cases, I can write perfectly functioning code without them #

Fo’ sho!

If your understanding of the problem is complete and correct, and you know it, clap your hands it’s easy to not make a mistake. If your understanding of the problem isn’t complete or correct, and you know it, clap your hands it’s also easy to not make a mistake. But when you think your understanding is complete and correct, but it actually isn’t, or when your understanding is correct, but you end up writing something else than what you’re thinking—that’s when it’s really difficult not to make a mistake. Because you simply can’t know what you don’t know—that’s the point.

Statically typed languages force you to think hard about the problem. And when you think you’ve got it right, they check your work and call you out if you’re wrong, regardless of how sure you are of yourself.

Dynamic languages do not—they accept what you write without question, they will not check your work, not even if you aren’t sure of yourself.

Now, a lot of the time, maybe even 99% of the time, that doesn’t matter—naturally, you’re a programmer worth your weight in bytes, and tend to not make mistakes. But then, one day, you do make a mistake, and it does matter. And this is the key difference—while dynamic languages optimize for the 99%, static languages optimize for that 1% (because they know that, more often than not, it’s actually a lot more than 1%). And that’s before you consider situations where the mistakes happen just because you make a change that’s incompatible with the implicit assumptions in some far away place. You have no way of knowing that. You can be the best programmer in the world, and that’s still going to happen at some point—it’s not if, it’s when.

Proving my code is safe to the compiler is a waste of time, because in 99% of cases, my tests already do that #

Fo’ shizzle my nizzle!

If your perception of the problem truly is correct, and your code is also correct, then it’s a waste of time—the job is already done. If your perception is correct, but your code isn’t correct, tests will likely tell you—you designed them around your correct understanding of the problem—so again, a waste of time.

But when your perception is wrong, then your code is also wrong, but crucially, in all likelihood, so are your tests! When designed based on flawed understanding of the problem, tests are likely validating a flawed solution, not the correct one. And in those situations, you’ll never know, because you can’t know what you don’t know.

And that’s even before getting into the fact that tests rarely cover 100% of the code they’re supposed to test, not to mention that they’re code themselves, which makes them prone to exactly the same types of mistakes you set out to prove don’t exist in the first place!

Types are, literally, automatically generated tests that run at compile time. They are always generated, always correct, and always run. They are objective, and confront your solution with reality, not your (possibly flawed) perception of it. And because you’re forced to satisfy them, they prevent you from making mistakes even in situations when you don’t realize your reasoning is flawed.

Again—dynamic languages optimize for the 99%, static languages optimize for that 1% (because they know that, more often than not, it’s actually a lot more than 1%).

Types make code cluttered and difficult to read #

Well…yes, but actually, no.

<T> MergeMatchedSetMoreStep<R> set(Field<T> field, Select<? extends Record1<T>> value);

Anybody who’s not used to typed languages and generics will look at the above and see a bowl of ASCII soup. But I don’t—on the contrary, not only do I feel completely comfortable reading it, I actually feel like I’m flying blind when reading code that doesn’t contain such declarations.

So what’s the difference between me and dynamic typers? It’s simple—I’m used to it. I’ve been looking at types for so long that they add almost no cognitive load for me. Is reading French inherently difficult, or is it only difficult for those who are not used to it? As with beauty, difficulty is in the eye of the beholder.

As every static typer will know, it turns out that, far from making things more difficult, the contrary is true - types make things much clearer, concisely communicating information that I would otherwise have to parse out of the solution. And while I do spend (infinitesimally) more time reading it than I would a simple function set(field, value), it’s because I’m busy learning something about the method that I will then take advantage of when reading its contents. I have the option to ignore the types if I want to, and just read the method and parameter names, but I choose not to, because the usefulness of the information contained in the types far outweighs the usefulness of the information contained in parameter names. Chief among the reasons is the fact that, unlike parameter names, types are actually checked for correctness, so I know they don’t lie.

In fact, a personal ideal I use for good code is “I shouldn’t have to read anything else than the method signature to understand what’s going on”. That’s not always attainable, but that’s why it’s an ideal—so I can get as close to it as is reasonable given the circumstances. It shows me true north.

Summary #

It should be clear by now that I’m a strong proponent of static typing, however that does not mean that I think they should be used blindly, all the time, and without thought. On the contrary, I think that dynamic and static typing are complementary tools, and both should be used.

However, that in no way means I think that the choice is a matter of mindset, as some do—on the contrary, I think the decision is almost always objective.